Supporting Your LibraryMooresville (Indiana) Public Library
Your tax-deductible donation to Mooresville Public Library helps us provide additional circulating items, programs, technological resources, and other services to our patrons. There are many ways to support MPL.
We are honored to receive your donations in memory of a loved one or friend. Many of our giving options below are ideal for “in memory of” gifts.
- Legacy Lane, which is a walkway (with engraved pavers–see below) around the library connecting our outdoor facilities;
- Kinder Garden, an outdoor children’s programming area;
- Courtyard, an outdoor area with tables and a decorative fountain, for relaxing, meeting people, and picnicking;
- Hoosier Native Garden, which borders Legacy Lane and features Indiana native plants and visiting wildlife; and
- Repose Meadow, a grassy area where patrons may toss a blanket to relax, read, meet, and picnic.

You may purchase an engraved paver to commemorate a loved one, friend, business, or organization. Pavers are permanently placed in our Legacy Lane outdoor pathway. Our promo trailer (video) below elaborates.
Legacy Lane Promo Trailer, by MPL
The engraved pavers are only $125. Click the paver below (or click here) for an order form (please print and complete this form and, along with your donation, mail to: Mooresville Public Library, Attn: Legacy Lane, 220 West Harrison Street, Mooresville, Indiana 46158; or you may drop it off at our circulation desk).
Our Giving Tree is a display in our grand hall listing patrons’ generous donations. Make your name a permanent part of our tree of knowledge! Donations support library collections, resources, and programs. Contribution levels include: Green Leaf ($25); Red Leaf ($50); Gold Leaf ($500); Black Acorn ($1,000); or Orange (more than $1,000). Click the photo (below) (or click here) to access the donation form. Please print and complete this form (along with your donation) and mail to: Mooresville Public Library, Attn: Giving Tree, 220 West Harrison Street, Mooresville, Indiana 46158; or you may drop it off at our circulation desk.
Honor a loved one, friend, business, or organization by donating a book plate to be permanently affixed to a book in our print collections. Donate toward one (or more) book plates: $50 (one book plate); $100 (two book plates); $250 (five book plates); $500 (10 book plates); $1,000 (20 book plates). Click the image (below) (or click here) to access the donation form. Please print and complete this form (along with your donation) and mail to: Mooresville Public Library, Attn: Honor With Books, 220 West Harrison Street, Mooresville, Indiana 46158; or you may drop it off at our circulation desk.
Beginning May 1, 2021, the Friends of Mooresville Public Library (FOL) will once again accept donations of ONLY books, DVDs, audiobooks, music CDs, or video game cartridges. FOL and library staff will evaluate donations to determine how they will be used or disposed of. Donated items must be in good functional condition (clean, undamaged, no underlining or marking-up of text, no musty or other smells [tobacco, etc.], disks playable and fully operational). If you wish to donate items of local historical interest, please contact our Indiana Room staff at (317) 831-7323 ext. 2218. WE ARE UNABLE TO ACCEPT TEXTBOOKS, PRINT MAGAZINES, NEWSPAPERS, VHS TAPES, OR AUDIO CASSETTE TAPES. Please donate such items (or others that we cannot accept) to Goodwill, Salvation Army, or some other charitable organization.