eBooksMooresville Public Library
At the Indiana Digital Library (formerly eIndiana Digital Consortium), you can download eBooks 24/7 using the OverDrive Libby App (on mobile devices) or through your web browser (on computers or laptops). If you’re using a web browser to access OverDrive, select your library (Mooresville Public Library) and log-in using your Evergreen Indiana library card number.
Libby is an easier way to get your ebooks. Download the Libby OverDrive App, which you may use to download ebooks using your Evergreen Indiana library card number (using the Indiana Digital Library website). Need help? Visit the Meet Libby App help page.
How does it work? Click the link to watch the video and learn more.
Once you’ve downloaded and installed the Libby App on your mobile device, do the following to access e-resources:
- Open the Libby App on your mobile device.
- Under “Your Libraries,” touch ADD LIBRARY.
- In the search line “Library Name, City,” type Mooresville and touch the green search button (it has a magnifying glass icon).
- Under “Matching Libraries,” scroll down until you find “Indiana Digital Library — Mooresville Public Library, 220 West Harrison Street, Mooresville, Indiana, USA” and touch that listing. (Don’t confuse with the library listing for Mooresville, North Carolina!)
- Touch “Sign in With My Card,” then type your Evergreen Indiana library card barcode (begins with 27323…)
You’ll only need to “add library” once, and thereafter, whenever you open your Libby App, it will take you straight to the Indiana Digital Library for MPL.

Besides being able to stream or download audiobooks, movies, TV shows, and music using Hoopla, you may also download or stream graphic novels (comic books) and eBooks.
TumbleBook Library is a grades K-6 children’s ebook database.
Username: Mooresville
Password: libra
Click the following link to watch a video showing how to use TumbleBook Library: TumbleBook Library – Picture Books and Kids Videos