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Other Databases/AppsMooresville Public Library


We offer many library apps (online research databases) to assist your information quest. These are free to our patrons to use. Some apps require your Evergreen Indiana library card number (issued from MPL) to log-in. A few apps (e.g., Ancestry Library Edition) must be used onsite on the library campus, either in our computer labs or our wireless network. Our reference librarians will happily show you how to use these apps.



AtoZdatabases: the premier Job Search, Business Reference, & Mailing List Database, which includes 2.3 million job listings, 30 million business profiles, 1.1 million healthcare professionals. Ideal for sales leads, mailing lists & more!  Watch this video to learn how to use AtoZdatabases

AtoZdatabases (En Español)

AtoZdatabases es la referencia principal y base de datos de marketing comercializado a instituciones de oficinas de bibliotecas, oficinas académicas y oficinas gubernamentales en los Estados Unidos. Esta solucion simple, facil de usar bases web ofrece detalles sobre las empresas y los hogares dentro de los EE.UU.

Cyprus Resume

Cypress Resume offers many online forms you may use to create a resume or cover letter. Search for the resume or cover letter that fits the job you’re applying for, then edit it to fit your needs.  Watch this video to learn how to use Cypress Resume.

Gale Legal Forms & Gale Chilton Library

Use your Evergreen Indiana library card number to access Gale Legal Forms, which is an online database that has a wide assortment of legal forms specific to Indiana. Legal forms are available for power of attorney, divorce, wills & estates, real estate, landlord/tenant, bankruptcy, name change, incorporation, and much more. Sample letters are also available.   Watch this video to learn how to use Gale Legal Forms.

Use your Evergreen Indiana library card number to get the detailed information you need to tackle vehicle maintenance and repairs. Some of Gale Chilton Library‘s more popular features include:
  • Maintenance and specification tables that provide the unique data you need for each specific vehicle.
  • Step-by-step service and repair procedures, and labor estimating tool to help you confidently determine your next move.
  • Vacuum diagrams to simplify troubleshooting.
  • Wiring diagrams to help explain system operation.
  • Close-up photographs and illustrations for visual support.
  • ASE test prep quizzes for the most popular certification exams.
  • A print button which allows you to easily print out what is needed.

U.S. Census Data

The U.S. Census Bureau provides data about the United States, Puerto Rico and the Island Areas. The data come from several censuses and surveys.


ABCmouse® Early Learning Academy is the leading and most comprehensive digital learning resource for children ages 2–8. With more than 9,000 Learning Activities and 850 lessons, the standards-based ABCmouse curriculum is available on computers, tablets, and smartphones and is used by millions of children at home, in more than 70,000 U.S. classrooms, and in nearly half of all U.S. public libraries.  You may also watch ABCmouse videos.

Gale Virtual Reference Library

You will need to log-in using your library card number. If prompted, the password is mooresville. Gale Virtual Reference Library provides a wide range of online resources, including health and medical information, in an easy-to-search database. Please watch this video to learn how to use GVRL.

Rosetta Stone

Courtesy of the Indiana State Library INSPIRE databases, we now have access to Rosetta Stone, the language learning software.  Please watch this video to learn how to use Rosetta Stone.

ESebco Database

The eSebo database provides instant access to a great collection of nonfiction books for kids that covers topics like American presidents, animals, countries, and more!

Use the following login information:

School login: mooresville
Password: BOOKS
Student ID number: 123

Connect instantly to a great collection of nonfiction books that covers topics like American presidents, animals, countries, and more! There is nothing to download and users do need their library cards! Try the new eSebco books today! We have eBooks for kids!

Indiana BMV Practice Driving Tests & Manuals

FREE practice driver’s license/permit tests and manuals are available for the Indiana Bureau of Motor Vehicles (IN-BMV).


TeenBookCloud is our middle school AND high school collection which contains over 600 titles! This collection contains a vast array of YA/Teen novels, classics, poetry, short stories, YA/Teen audiobooks , our very popular graphic novels, and world class educational videos from National Geographic. Username:  mooresville; password:  login.


TumbleBookLibrary is an online collection of TumbleBooks, animated, talking picture books which teach kids the joy of reading in a format they’ll love. Username: Mooresville — Password: libra

Please watch this video to learn how to use TumbleBookLibrary.


INSPIRE offers magazines, encyclopedias, and other resources to all Indiana residents. Research current events, science, business, health, notable people, hobbies, and much more.

Britannica Library

Britannica Library has search engines designed for children, young adults, and reference. 

Britannica ImageQuest

Britannica ImageQuest has loads of free downloadable pictures to use in reports or projects. An extensive array of knowledge in an easy-to-search format.


Hoosier State Chronicles

Indiana’s digital historic newspaper program, Hoosier State Chronicles, has many hard-to-find old newspapers from the 19th and 20th centuries available online.

Indiana Digital Library

Indiana Digital Library has eMagazines available to checkout using the Libby app.  Visit our eMagazines page for further options.


Ancestry Library Edition

You MUST be physically at the library campus (connected to our computer network or wireless) to access this database.

Need help using Ancestry Library Edition? Click here to watch the video to get started.

HeritageQuest Online

Heritage Quest allows you to search for census data, books on family and local histories and more!

Legacy Links Obituary Finder

Mooresville Public Library has its own Obituary Database called LEGACY LINKS, which includes over 20,000 obituaries, primarily of deceased residents of Mooresville and Morgan County, Indiana. This database has been redesigned (in Fall 2020) and provides a user-friendly interface.


If you have questions we’d love to help you. Just click the appropriate button below and share you question, concern or wish with us. We’ll be back in touch with you within 24 hours (assuming we are open).